The Endorsement Signals Webb’s unwavering support for Labor
This week, New York State AFL-CIO, a federation of unions in New York, announced its endorsement of Lea Webb, candidate for New York State Senate in District 52. Lea is a proud union member, who has repeatedly spoken up for the rights of union workers throughout the state, making this endorsement a significant testament to her ongoing commitment to Labor and workers everywhere.
The New York State AFL-CIO is a coalition of 3,000 affiliated public sector, private sector, and building trades unions throughout the state, representing 2.5 million members, retirees and their families with the goal of raising the standard and quality of living for all working people.
“As a proud union member I am honored to receive the support of New York State AFL-CIO” said Lea Webb. “I’m dedicated to prioritizing legislation that creates fair and equitable wages, benefits and security for the workers who keep New York up and running. I look forward to making sure that AFL-CIO’s needs, as well as the needs of workers throughout the state, are being met in Albany.”
Lea is a UUP/NYSUT union member who has a history of standing up for union workers. She has supported union strikes and stood on the picket line with CWA to call for better health care benefits, and voted for project labor agreements on city projects.
The General Election is on November 8, 2022, with early voting starting on October 29. Voters can learn more about Webb’s campaign at leawebb.com
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 18, 2022
CONTACT: Tess McRae, tess@theparksidegroup.com or amanda@theparksidegroup.com